RV Friends


Registration and Verification is to help us combat spam & bots!
We do not share or sell your information.  Be sure to complete both sections.
AFTER you finish the Registration, we send a verification email and you MUST click the link in it.

  • Do not use your email address as your UserName!
  • Use something unique, a fictitious name, or a cryptic one. Never include your full  last name
  • Do not use spaces in your UserName, but you can use an underscore ( _ ) or Dash (  ) or a period ( . ) 

Account Details

  • Free Access
  • ► Do Not use the same password you use other places.
    ► Use a Strong Password that has more than 10 characters with letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols, and includes no obvious personal information or common words.
    ► Please write it down and keep it in a safe place away from your computer. You can also use a password manager program, or let your browser store it for you.. at your own risk.
