RV Friends

Budget Transparency

We are unique in the industry because we are Transparent about the Budget needed to run this website.  Our mission is to not to have any paid advertising on the site, but instead be Member Supported.  This site is NOT run to make a Profit!

 Based on $24.00 per 12 month Membership, we need 103 more  Supporting Members to sustain the site this year! 


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  1. Startup costs were from from Sept 1st 2023  to Aug 31st 2024 and were used for checking actual vs potential budget.  
  2. Some expenses are for a “Lifetime” or very long license (25+yrs) and are not paid annually, but are included in the cost of the website – not the Annual budget, except as an allowance if not truly Lifetime..
  3. Current budget is from Jan 1st to Dec 31st.   If we have no direct advertising as preferred, the annual budget must be funded by the Supporting Members, Sponsors, Businesses, and Affiliate revenue to be a viable and lasting website.  We are using the Budget to determine the break-even point vs Number of Members vs Annual Fee. 
  4. N/A  Not Applicable right now.  We are not currently using this expense.