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FAQ's Updated

Richard R., Craig P. and Tink H. have reacted to this post.
Richard R.Craig P.Tink H.

What kind of information are you looking for pertaining to the Veterans? If there is something someone wants to discuss or learn about that isn’t on here, we are game to contribute. 

Richard R., Craig P. and Tink H. have reacted to this post.
Richard R.Craig P.Tink H.

What kind of information are you looking for pertaining to the Veterans?

The FAQ is for Static information that (generally) does not change.  It's a Reference.   The discussion section is great, but there are items that appear there that are always important (not time related).  Richard R. and I are working on duplicating that info in the FAQ

As to what we need, well anything that is a data point, important facts, hints and tips, etc.   So just DM Richard R. and I if you have any suggestions.

Richard R., Craig P. and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Richard R.Craig P.Brenda S.Tink H.

Thank you. I’ll take some down time and look at what you already have, been out of it in the last year do to family , so will try and help. 

Alan K., Richard R. and Craig P. have reacted to this post.
Alan K.Richard R.Craig P.