About the Map

is Your Location & Only shown to you!.
IF you allow the website to know your location (recommended) it will move the map to approximately where you are so you can see the Pins around you.- You can zoom the map via your mouse or touch. Markers may overlap unless zoomed in tight enough.
- Click and hold to move the map.
- If you click on a marker it will jump and zoom in, and depending on the situation, if you click it again it will zoom in more.
- Use the Filter if you don’t want to see all types of markers.
- There is a List of the map Markers below the map. Besides the map responding to the Filter, this list does as well.
OPTIONAL Check-In to show your approximate location to Others via this Icon see how this works.
Suggesting Markers:
- If you Suggest a Marker, you MUST put your name in the "Suggested by" field so we know who to contact if we have questions. This also gives you credit for the Marker, and lets other Members know who to ask about it. Markers will not be approved without this information.
- Please don’t repeat the title in the description box.. it needs to be a true description for the marker and your comments about why YOU think it’s good etc.
- We are focused on places Members have been and love .. not necessarily filling the map up with every spot there is.
- We have tested the upload of images with a photo that was 5000 x 4800 px and over 6Mb, so if you stay under this size you should be fine.
- Yes, you can have more than one photo, just don't go overboard.
- Please do not use an unedited phone screen capture, the photos should generally be ones you have taken yourself.
If you have any of the situations below, Direct message Alan K. and he will help you.
- If you have an image fail to show up in your approved marker
- You have an image to add to an existing marker
- Have any issues with the Mapping system
- Need to have him make an Edit to a Marker (be sure to include the Full Marker Name, and what needs to change)